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This product is a botanical insecticide based on Neem Seed Kernel derived from Azadirachtin. It contains a minimum of 10 gram of Azadirachtin per kilogram of the material (w/w). It is an environmental friendly product useful in the control of fruit borer in tomato and fruit and shoot borer in brinjal.

Category: Insecticides

Descriptions :

Chemical Composition:

Azadirachtin (a.i.)                                                                                                                  1.00 % w/w min.

Neem Oil                                                                                                                                   30.00 % w/w

Butanol (Solvent)                                                                                                                    31.00 % w/w

Butyl acetate (Solvent)                                                                                                          23.00 % w/w

Emulsifier  (Polyoxyethylene(20) Sorbitan monoleate)                                                15.00 % w/w

Total: 100.000% w/w


Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/HADilution in Water



Waiting Period between last spray to harvest



Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In Hours)
AIFormulation litre
TomatoFruit borer(Helicoverpa armigera) 1 – 1.55003 
BrinjalFruit and Shoot borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) 1 – 1.55003 


Direction Of Use

When used as recommended through a high volume sprayer, this product controls the pests effectively. Take the required quantity of the product in some water and stir well. Add the required quantity of water and stor well. Add the required quantity of water and stir well to form a ready to use spray.

P.P. Equipment:- Knapsack sprayer fitted with a hollow cone nozzle in recommended.

Time Of Application

Apply as soon as the insect population beings to appear in the field but before it reaches Economic Threshold Level (ETL). Weather should be clear, clam, no rains and no strong winds.NUMBER OF APPLICATION :- 2-3 sprays are required at the interval of 7-14 days, depending upon the pest infestation. No more than three sprays in a season.


  1. Avoid contact of the material with skin.
  2. Wear protective materials like apron, hood, boots and gloves while spraying.
  3. Do not eat, chew or smoke while spraying.
  4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying.
  5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying.
  6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying.

Symptoms Of Poisoning:

Mild irritation to the mucous membrane of the eye, skin irritation could occur. Reduced motor activity, shallow respiration, nasal discharge photo reaction and diarrhoea may occur in laboratory animals.

First Aid

  1. Wash contaminated parts with plenty of soap and water. If eyes are contaminated, wash with plenty of water.


When used as stated above, this product does not cause any phytotoxicity to the above crops.


Treat sympotmatically. Give gastric lavage if swallowed. Call a physician.

Disposal Of Used Container

  1. Do not leave the containers outside in order to prevent reuse.
  2. Destroy the empty containers and bury them 18″ below the ground level in non crop land away from habitation and underground water
  3. Dispose off empty containers, surplus material and washings from spray equipments in a safe manner so as to prevent environmental or water pollution, food and animal feed, contamination.
  4. Never use the empty containers for storing food or water.

Storage Conditions

Store in a cool and dryplace away from heat and open flame. The room meant for storing the material should be well built, well ventilated, well aerated and of sufficient dimensions. Store the material in separate rooms, away from food and feed materials in almirahs under lock and key.

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