Helptone Liquid

Brand Name: Helpton

Descriptions :

  • Helptone is scientifically prepared micronutrient liquid mixture, liquid formulations for foliar application.
  • It having major elements of Zinc which helps in plant hormone balance, Auxin activity & division of cells. Ferrous assists in biological process, photosynthesis and chlorophyll synthesis.
  • Boron helps in uniform ripening process and is essential in sugar transport and amino acid production.
  • Manganese which activates enzymes and chloroplast production. Copper is a Fungicidial activity.




    • Helptone improves photosynthesis in plants and entire plant will become greenish. .
    • Helptone will help to overcome micronutrient deficiency in all crops. .
    • Helptone contains both macro & micro nutrient along with plant hormones.
    • Helptone improves and increases up take of nutrients available in soil
    • Helptone improves disease resistance in all crops.
    • Helptone required in small quantity but increases yield both qualitative and quantitively.
    • Helptone repeated application with the interval of 15-20days will keep crop healthy and better growth.
    • Helptone contains enzymes & growth promoters to enhance higher yield of crops.



Crop Dosage / Litre of Water Application Timing
General 2-3 ml 1-2 times at flowering stage and at fruit fill time (10-15 days interval)
Vegetables 2-3 ml 4-5 times flowering stage and at fruit fill time between 10-15 days interval
Fruit 2-3 ml 3-4 times at fruit set, fruit development and fruit set 10-15 days interval
Other Crops 2 ml 3-4 times at growth time and flowering time 10-15 days interval.


Packing:  250ml, 500ml, 1Litre and 5Litre

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