Brand Name: Kiwi

Descriptions :

Fipronil 18.87% W/W SC formulations contains 188.7 g of Fipronil active ingredient per kg of formulations which is equal to 200 g of Fipronil active ingredient per litre formulations Fipronil is an insecticide used as a foliar spray for the control of Thrips in Cotton. Caution: Do not use the product near the area of bee keeping product is highly toxic to bees therefore should not be applied on blossoming in cotton the product is toxic to aquatic invertebrates and fish therefore not to be used in and around Aquaculture.


Chemical Composition:

Fipronil a.i.                                                                                                                                                            18.87 % w/w

Corn oil (solvent)                                                                                                                                                 37.76 % w/w

1,2-Propanediot (Antifreeze)                                                                                                                            4.77 % w/w

Phosphoric acid esters of polyethoxylated Tristyryl and distyrylphenol (Dispersant)                         3.24 % w/w

Surfactant blend (Emulsifier)                                                                                                                           1.62 % w/w

Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanedyl) alpha-tributylphenyl- w-hydroxy-(Dispersant)                                               1.05 % w/w

Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanedyl) alpha- (tributylphenyl)-w-hydroxy-(Emulsifier)                                             0.67 % w/w

Polysiloxanes di-me (Antifoaming agent)                                                                                                     0.67 % w/w

Water (solvent)                                                                                                                                                     Q.S %

Total: 100.000% w/w


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water in water (liter) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days) Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In Hours)


Formulation (ml)
Cotton Thrips 75 375 375-500 21

Direction of Us

Time of Application

Give first spray as soon as incidence of thrips on cotton starts and 1-2 more sprays depending upon seventy of the incidence


Handle with care while handling the product wear personal protective clothing, rubber, gloves, rubber boot sang face mask Avoid contact with eyes and skin. After each spraying wash hands and exposed parts of the body thoroughly.

Symptoms Of Poisoning:

Mainly consists of irritability, lethargy, muscle tremors and in extrem case possibly convulsions may occure Fipronil is reversible GABA receptor inhibitor and these symptoms are reversible after termination of exposure.

First Aid

Ingestion – do not induce vomiting unless advised by the attending physician if patient is alert and conscious rinse the mouth with water Give 1-2 glasses of water Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

  1. Inhalation:- keep the patient away from the place of incident loosen the If patient is not breathing give mouth to mouth breathing of artificial respiration
  2. EYE- Wash with plenty of water of normal temperature at least for 15 minutes if redness pain and irritation occure call the eye specialist
  3. SKIN- Wash thoroughly with plenty of water. If symptoms of irritation and blistering occure. Call the skin specialist. Immediately



No specific antidote of known Give symptomatic treatment.

Disposal Of Used Container 

  • The empty container shall be broken and buried away from the habitations or incinerated
  • The used packages shall not be left outside to prevent their re-use.
  • Packages or surplus material and washing should be disposed off in safe manner so as to prevent environment and water pollution.

Storage Conditions

  1. The packages containing insecticides shall be stored in separate room or premises, away from the rooms or premises used for the storing other article or shall be kept in separate rooms/almirahs under lock and key depending upon the nature and quantity of the insecticide
  2. The rooms or premises meant for storing insecticides shall be well-built well lit dry well ventilated and of sufficient dimensions to avoid contamination with vapour/air.

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