K-10 Super – Pyre 10 + Bifen 10

Brand Name: K-10 Super

Descriptions :

Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% EC is a combination of an Insect Growth Regulator and a pyrethroid. The combination product offers

multi-action control of whitefly pest in cotton crop. It directly kills nymphal stage of the pest as well as inhibits reproductive capacity of the adult pest due to growth regulating activity of Pyriproxyfen. Adding Bifenthrin, leads to the knock-down kill of adult whitefly pest, thus giving complete control at both the stage of whitefly. It also prevents further buildup of the pest.

Warning :-

  1. Not to be used on crops and pests other than mentioned on label and leaflet.
  2. No to be used for post harvest application.
  3. Very toxic to fish, hence harmful to aquatic organism therefore, not be used near aquaculture . Do not contaminate lakes, rivers, ponds and streams.

Chemical Composition:

Pyriproxyfen a.i.                                                                                                                        10.00 % w/w

Bifenthrin a.i.                                                                                                                             10.00 % w/w

Emulsifiers (A blend of calcium salt of alkyl benzene sulphonic acid &                       10.00 % w/w

polyethoxy ether of nonyl phenol)

Aromatic Solvent C-9                                                                                                                  Q.S. to make %

Total:   100.000% w/w



Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water in water (liter) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days) Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In Hours)


Formulation (gm)
Cotton White fly 60 + 60 600 500 19


Direction of Use

Method of application: It should be applied as knapsack spray. No specific soil conditions are prescribed. Uniform coverage is necessary for effective control of insect pests. A simple knapsack sprayer fitted with hollow cone nozzle type can be used for spraying.

Preparation of Spray Solution: Mix the recommended dose in ¼ of the recommended quantity of water to the spray tank with agitation. Add remaining quantity of water with continuous agitation. Ensure complete dispersion of the product in mix water before spraying of the spray solution. Maintain agitation while spraying.

Time of application :Apply as soon as the insect population begins to appear in the field but before it reaches Economic Threshold (ETL). Weather should be clear, calm, no rains and no strong winds.

No. of application: 3 sprays at an interval of 15 days interval depending upon the pest infestation. Avoid the spray if toxic to bees during bloom or when bees are present in the field. Before applying any

Pesticide take into account the stage of plant development the soil type and condition, the temperature, moisture and wind. Injury may also result from the use of incoupatible materials.

Re-entry Period: Don’t enter or allow worker entry into treated area during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours.

Time of Application


Protective clothing should be worn while mixing and spraying. Wash contaminated clothes and body parts of the body after application. Avoid inhalation. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything during application.

Symptoms Of Poisoning:

Effects from overexposure result from either ingestion, inhaling or coming into contact with the eyes or skin. General symptoms include headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea and irritation, burns of esophagus or gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of over exposure include bleeding from the nose, tremor and convulsion. Contact with the product may occasionally produce skin sensation such as rashes, numbing, burning or tingling. These skin sensation are reversible and usually subside within 12 hours. Lethargy, ataxia, salivation, lacrimation.

First Aid

Skin contact: Wash material off the skin in flowing water or shower with soap. If irritation persists consult a physician immediately. Eye Contact: Immediately flush with sufficient amount of water for atleast 15 minutes.

Inhalation: Remove the victim to fresh air and keep him warm and quiet. Get a medical attention immediately. If not breathing, clear the airways and give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.

Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting unless told to by doctor. Do not give anything to unconscious person. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Get medical attention immediately



No specific antidote is known. Apply symptomatic therapy.

Disposal Of Used Container 

  1. Packages or surplus material and washing from the machines and container should be disposed off in a safe manner so as to prevent environmental and water pollution.
  2. The used packages shall be not left outside to prevent their re-use.
  3. Packages shall be broken and buried away from the habitation.
  4. “Dangerous/harmful to fish-Do not Contaminate Lakes, river, ponds or streams”. “DANGERIOUS TO RE-USE EMPTY CONTAINER”

Storage Conditions

  1. The packages containing insecticide shall be stored in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing other articles particularly food articles or shall be kept in separate almirahs under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the insecticide. Keep out of reach of children.
  2. The store rooms should be well built well lit, well ventilated and of sufficient dimensions. The conditions of the store should be dry and cool.

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